Bruschette, Polenta Treiese, Maialino al forno, fava e pecorino, a little fruit salad, and some local deserts. All paired with delicious local wines. The red wine is aptly named Luvì (lit. “The wine” in Maceratese dialect).
And all interspersed by some truly gorgeous scenery, a few uphill climbs (enough to make you stop feeling guilty about all the food you just ingested, and all the wine), a photography exhibit out in the middle of nowhere, and some traditional music along the way.
So sorry though, we just discovered it, and you will have to wait a year for the next edition. This year it was held on May 1st. All proceeds go to Lilit, the Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Italian League for the Fight Against Tumors).
Not a bad idea… not a bad cause!